Rooting a Cloth Head

Directions for a Permanent Root

Cloth Head
Good light (do NOT attempt this in a dim place!)
Good ventilation (glue fumes are toxic!)
Water insoluble glue for securing hair (Unless you are a master wig maker, you WIIL need it)
Fabric pencil or marker for drawing hairpattern and hairline
Cotton-swab for distributing glue
Sharp, thin curved needle for implanting hair
Hair (duh)
Scissors for cutting hair
Small clips for holding hair out of the way

1. Attain ALL tools\materials\requirements
2. Read ALL steps first, these ARE NOT read-as-you-go instructions!

5. Draw the Hairline
      a. Roughly sketch desired hair line
      b. Check symmetry
      c. Make necessary\desired adjustments
      d. Darken final hairline

Cloth Head
6. Paint
      Painting stuffed cloth heads is NOT for the inexperienced

Cloth Head
7. Mark Plug Placement
      a. Draw part line(s)
      b. Draw pattern for inner plug array
      c. Dot out individual plugs

Cloth Head
8. Select Hair
9. Assemble Plugs
      a. Determine desired total rooted fatness
      b. Determine desired\necessary strands per plug (I use ten, folded count, per plug on a standard BarbieŠ size head)
      c. Either
           Count out each plug as you root it
           Count out all plugs before you start
      d. Place within easy and immediate access

Cloth Head
9B. Special Options
      a. Premade
           Wefted hair
      b. Glued
Cloth Head

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